
Fukumanen YOKOHAMA GRANGATE Recommended Menu

Fukumanen YOKOHAMA GRANGATE - Recommended "Vegetable Salad with Sichuan Pepper


■Vegetable Salad with Sichuan Pepper ¥580
Sichuan Head Chef's original recommended salad.
This salad is characterized by the aroma of rich Chinese pepper and a spicy flavor, served with green salad garnished with Green Sichuan Pepper and topped with a special Mala sauce (Ma: Sichuan pepper / La: Sichuan red chili pepper).

YOKOHAMA GRANGATE - Recommended "Red and White Chen Mapo Tofu"


■Recommended dish "Red and White Chen Mapo Tofu "Red and White Chen Mapo Tofu ¥1,580
Thanks to the support of our customers, Fukumanen has served a total of 15 million servings of Mapo Tofu at its group restaurants. The ""Red and White Chen Mapo Tofu"" is a set of two flavors, Chen Mapo Tofu and White Mapo Tofu with authentic salty flavor.
Which Mapo Tofu do you prefer?