
Fukumanen - Honten Top-page


Fukumanen has three stores in Yokohama Chinatown. We have eight stores mainly in the Tokyo metropolitan area, including the Minato Mirai area, Shinbashi, Tokyo, Funabashi in Chiba, Fujisawa and Odawara in Kanagawa.
This is a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama Chinatown where you can enjoy authentic Sichuan cuisine, Shanghai cuisine, and Fujian cuisine, which is rare in Chinatown.
The taste of Fujian Province, which is close to Okinawa (many dishes are said to have crossed from Fujian to Taiwan and was introduced to Okinawa), is said to be the Chinese cuisine that best matches the Japanese taste, and you can enjoy it at Fukumanen Main Store. This is a store you should definitely visit at least once.


This video shows you how the head chef of Fukumanen's main store prepares dishes such as "Sichuan boiled fish."